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How to create your own Mellotron Presets in Arturia Mellotron V

By Minta Foundry Team
January 23, 2025
5 minute read
Sketchy illustration of a musician playing the Mellotron

In this article, we’re diving deep into the art of creating Mellotron presets in Arturia Mellotron V—a plugin that has cemented itself as one of the best Mellotron VST options available to producers and sound designers alike. Whether you’re an experienced beatmaker or just starting to explore the world of audio plugins, the Mellotron plugin is a treasure trove of possibilities. Unlike your typical synthesizer where tweaking knobs is the norm, Mellotron V offers something entirely unique: the ability to import your own samples and turn them into rich, nostalgic patches inspired by the iconic Mellotron sound.

What makes this plugin so special? The Mellotron V combines the vintage charm of tape-driven instruments with modern flexibility, letting you create custom patches that fit perfectly into your workflow. From lush, layered strings to quirky, lo-fi tones, this is the ultimate tool for producers looking to add character and depth to their tracks. If you’ve been curious about how to craft custom sounds with the best Mellotron plugin, you’re in the right place. Let’s get started!

Prepare Your Sample for the Mellotron Plugin

Step one: record a single note from any instrument you have lying around. Maybe it’s that classical flute you’ve been meaning to dust off, or even a quick clip you snagged from YouTube. Export the sample as a .wav or .aiff file.

Step 1: After you recorded your single note, open up a new preset
Step 1: After you recorded your single note, open up a new preset

Create a New Preset in Mellotron V

Next, fire up the Mellotron plugin. Click the three little lines in the corner to open the menu and select “New Preset…” Now for some housecleaning: head to “Advanced,” right-click the grey regions on Tracks A, B, and C, and delete those default samples. You’re ready to add your sound! Drag and drop your sample onto one of the tracks, widen the region to cover 3–4 octaves, and slide it so the highlighted spot in the middle lines up with the note your sample is tuned to. For example, if the sample is a B, slide it to B.

Step 2: Drag in your sample and cover 3 to 4 octaves
Step 2: Drag in your sample and cover 3 to 4 octaves

Fine-Tune Your Custom Mellotron Presets

Now, click “Edit,” make sure your track is selected, and disable “Stretch.” This keeps your sample from sounding like it’s been warped by a black hole. For this example, we’re just increasing the “Release” to let the notes fade naturally when you lift your fingers off the keys. Once you’re happy, click “Exit.”

Step 3: Click on edit, disable stretch and adjust to your taste
Step 3: Click on edit, disable stretch and adjust to your taste

Add Vintage Flavour to Your Mellotron Patch

Now comes the fun part: add some tape vibes. Use the Flutter and Tape Saturation knobs to dial in that iconic vintage warmth Mellotrons are known for. Want to brighten or darken the sound? Just tweak the “Tone” knob, and use “Volume” to set the overall level.

Step 4: Add Flutter and Tape Saturation for some flavor
Step 4: Add Flutter and Tape Saturation for some flavor

Explore the FX Section in the Best Mellotron VST

And voilà—you’ve got yourself a custom Mellotron patch. But why stop there? Load another sample onto Track B and repeat the process. By layering up to three tracks, you can blend sounds and build rich, textured Mellotron presets.

Step 5: Layer other samples on top
Step 5: Layer other samples on top

For even more fun, explore the FX section by clicking the “FX” button in the top right. From delays and EQ to compression, these pedal-style effects let you refine your patches and take them to the next level.

Step 6: Check out the FX section and further customize your preset
Step 6: Check out the FX section and further customize your preset

Discover Professional Mellotron Presets at Minta Foundry

If you’re curious about what’s possible, check out our Mellotron Expansion Packs at Minta Foundry. These custom presets are designed with love, channeling the essence of classic Mellotron and Chamberlin sounds. Whether you’re after timeless vibes or something fresh, these presets are sure to inspire.
